all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 3AA 1 1 51.7654 0.550665
CM3 3AB 1 0 51.764135 0.548046
CM3 3AD 25 0 51.767041 0.555019
CM3 3AE 36 0 51.764934 0.548149
CM3 3AF 1 0 51.764368 0.548523
CM3 3AG 1 0 51.765445 0.551526
CM3 3AH 4 0 51.76911 0.562474
CM3 3AJ 10 1 51.769417 0.563651
CM3 3AL 13 2 51.76626 0.562352
CM3 3AN 6 3 51.770663 0.554314
CM3 3AQ 2 0 51.769267 0.561812
CM3 3AR 5 0 51.768998 0.551089
CM3 3AS 6 0 51.767565 0.551211
CM3 3AU 4 0 51.775393 0.546463
CM3 3AW 13 12 51.766633 0.548937
CM3 3AX 15 0 51.772944 0.549905
CM3 3AY 12 3 51.777993 0.544735
CM3 3AZ 5 0 51.779934 0.538146
CM3 3BA 6 0 51.782917 0.540811
CM3 3BB 3 0 51.78632 0.528532